Here are four quick weight room tips for young fighters. Just random thoughts to pass along that will bring you closer to where you should be. If you are a young up and coming Boxer, Wrestler, Kick Boxer, or any athlete, then read this. A lot of times, it's the little things that help contribute to the bigger picture!

Don't Be A Bunch Of "Mirror Athletes". It's not how you look, it's what you do. Training hard in the gym for performance gains in the ring is what should matter to a fighter. When you focus on physical appearance and how good you look in the mirror, this does not equate to better performance. It's usually a distraction from what you really should be focusing on. What does equate to better "In The Ring Performance" is practicing your sport (Practice Makes Perfect!), becoming stronger, explosive, flexible, forming healthier eating habits, and putting more effort toward being more disciplined in the weight room. When you do this, it will improve your physical appearance, but you will have also improved your athleticism and physicality. Remember, Weight Training for a young fighter (or any athlete) is preparation (GPP) for your sport. Put the discipline and time in the gym & less mirror time and watch your "In The Ring Performance" and muscular looks improve. Isn't that what it's all about? If not, then become a model.
(Insert Male Model Pic Here)
Post A Male Model Pic To Make A Point? One Can Only Go So Far.
All sports should focus on a year-round strength & conditioning plan. This is still not the case in a lot of weight rooms across the country. Why is the strongest kid in school always the football player? Maybe because football is just awesome, but that is another story... Actually, football is one sport that keeps a kid in the weight room more times than not.You shouldn't be any different. If you fight (Lets Say) you are a high school kid that decided to take up boxing instead of football, get your ass in the weight room and train! You will be amazed what more strength, flexibility, and speed will do for your fight game!!! If you are not the most physical in your weight class, then work toward it. Strength makes everything else better. Especially when you hit harder.

All Show & Even More Go
Com'On... If you are in the weight room, you know you are Benching, or at least-you want to! Despite bull-shit belief, fighters CAN Barbell Bench Press. As long as your shoulders are presently on the healthy side. Do your shoulders a favor, regardless and save 'em by "Popping Your Chest Up" and pinching your shoulder blades together and down. This simple, and yet most effective way to keep the shoulders strong and healthy will also make you a lot stronger while benching too. Try it!!!

Chest Up, Shoulder Blade Pinched, & Arch.
Nothing mind blowing here, just common sense. Be smart in the weight room and take it serious no matter what type of athlete you are. As a fighter (young or old), you have to always realise that your training should be built around your performance, and not how "Jersey Shore" you look. Trust me. I seriously live at the "Jersey Shore", so I should know...