It's January 2008. Your New Years Resolution may have been to lose weight, gain muscle, or make the team, but you found an excuse. A way out. Something you can blame or point the finger at and say "That's why I can't!" or "That's why I haven't!" Excuses...
The Other Side!
Did you ever wonder why most people never finish what they set out to do? If you have then you must have also wondered about the other people who actually accomplish what they set out to do. What's different about them? I will tell you one thing, they didn't make excuses. Just ask this guy:
A Side Note:
When you set out to lose weight, gain muscle, or win a fight, you do it! No excuses. The thought of not being able to fulfill the promise you made to yourself should not even enter your mind. That type of thought doesn't even exist. It can't. You can "Will" yourself to do anything. Anything. In life, it's all about how bad you want something. If you want it bad enough, sooner or later you will make it happen, but no excuses.
Another Side Note:
Instead of making excuses, make solutions! If the scale is laughing at you and you are having trouble with your fight weight, before you smash it against the wall, work on creating a lifestyle (or just a different way to do things) that will decrease unwanted body fat. Try to:
1. Only Water. Make water the only beverage you drink through out the day. Cut out drinks that pack in the calories as well as the fat such as beer, soda, and sugary fruit juices. Water keeps you hydrated, helps you recover from training sessions, decreases toxins out of the body, and assists in digestion. If you are digesting better and consuming less liquid calories, you are one step closer to decreasing body fat.
2. Create a Calorie Deficit. If you are taking in more calories then you are using, fat will increase. If you are burning more calories then you are taking in, fat will decrease. Keep it simple. Eat frequent, eat less at each meal, and train!
3. Cut Out Late Night Eating. If you are pounding food like nobody's business before you go to bed, you can bet any amount of money that the fat around your mid section is here to stay. Try having your last meal at least an hour before you go to bed. Keep your last meal light. Whey protein shake with a mixed green salad, Yes. Wendy's triple burger with fries and a frosty, No!

Give it a shot. Make it part of your life. Those abs have been dying to come out. Body fat slows you down and doesn't help toward increasing your speed. It certainly will not help you punch faster and move around the mat better. Strong muscles+low body fat=faster you!