And the YESS Training Internet Hate Mail of the Month Award Goes To........ Surfin766@gmail.com for writing to us on November 3rd, 2008 at 1:38 A.M. WestCoast time.
Surfin766 writes:
Here We Go....
Thanks for deciding to flex your internet muscles our way. It is a true testament on how tough you must really be. Hiding behind a keyboard and writing to us about our videos at 1:38 A.M. all the way from California must really have been important to you. Yes, we did track your IP address down from the area you are e-mailing us from. This picture was attached to your profile. Nice fingers!

Surfin766 Displaying His Massive Finger Strength
Normally I would not give an e-mail like this the time of day, but from day one, I made a promise to never surgar coat my business and make it appear to be as something that it is not. This means that I have an obligation to give all of our readers and subscribers some entertainment on some of the things I deal with on a daily basis. Good and Bad. No cherry picking any one's viewpoint over here. I also want people to understand that YESS Training is a company that I created with the Big picture in mind. The picture that I am talking about has to do with helping every athlete that we come across Achieve in the gym, on the athletic playing field, and in life. My company trains quite a few athletes from almost every sport. Parents, Coaches, Kids, and Adults, put their trust in me so that I can provide them with the results that they are looking for. I'm actually a real person, training real athletes, and getting real results!

It's True!
When some negative individual writes in at 1:30 A.M. to tell me how it is, (when this individual has NO CLUE how it is), really doesn't bother me, because face to face they would know immediately where they would stand (stand not for long).
My company also trains and prepares gladiator athletes (Boxing,MMA,Wrestling) who would rip someones ear off if they were disrespected. Are you really saying that athletes like this picture below are training with someone who is embarrassing themselves? Choose your words wisely.

An Actual YESS Training Athlete
Let me make a few more points before I put this to rest. This blog is meant for anyone who is looking to better their training. It doesn't matter if you are a kid who has never trained with weights or if you are a high caliber athlete. This is not a place to have a pissing contest to see who is stronger. If you really think you are strong, prove it by getting under the bar at a powerlifting meet and compete against the strongest. Until then, we are only as strong as what we do in the gym and for others, not behind a keyboard at 1:30 A.M.
The same guys who are e-mailing me and bashing my company, are the same ones watching our videos, reading our updates, e-mailing us for training advice, and using the training ideas passed through here for themselves. Moral of the story, haters will hate. They will never give you credit. In the process of hating, they will take what they can get from you, and they will never say this kind of stuff to your face! It's hilarious. Cowards are funny.
A Side Note:
How does anyone know what size I am, how much I weigh, or how strong I am from the videos I post on YouTube? Sure, you might have an idea, but I'm actually 4 foot 2 inches and weigh around 125 pounds. No, this is not true!
What is true is that these videos simply give examples of training movements so that you can get a better understanding on how to perform them in your own training. In all honesty, there is only one video of me performing a weight I can only handle for five reps and this is not the most I have lifted in this manner. Only how much I was able to lift at that time.
I'm not a powerlifter, I don't weigh 300 pounds, I just practice what I preach. If you are stronger than me, awesome. If this gives you an idea on how a 'Some What' heavy dumbbell row should look like without crippling your spine, great. My point is that I am here to help anyone who wants it.Through this blog and the videos I post is 100% free! If you don't like it, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. At the end of the day I make a living on getting athletes prepared for the demands of their sport. Some who come to me are weaker while others are strong. One thing they all have in common when they train with me is that they all get stronger!
Another Side Note:
Speaking of Powerlifting, last May my friend Joe and I were personally invited by Louie Simmons of WESTSIDE BARBELL to train with everyone on their Dynamic Leg Day. Before we arrived, I was suffering a massive migraine attack (I suffer from a clinical migraine condition that leaves me debilitated to say the least) and I had to man up as this was an opportunity of a life time. I downed a cup of coffee, threw on a belt that Louie lent me, and banged out 8 sets of 3 reps with 250 pounds of cambered bar weight with an additional 200 pounds of chains. This was 450 pounds of total weight that I had to box squat into 6 inches of foam which put me a bit below parallel (while the foam completely giving me NO momentum coming out of the hole). I don't hide behind a computer. Am I bragging? Not over at WESTSIDE BARBELL.
Hiding My Face Over At WESTSIDE BARELL